I'm 27, have a college degree, and good paying job (75k), should I move in with parents to aggressively pay off my student loan debt?

And just to add, I'm understand there will be differences and there's stuff they won't understand. I feel like even when I'm very practical about things they still don't want to try to look outside their own scope.

A recent example is how I tried to convince my parents to put solar panels on their home and showed them the math of how they would recover their money relatively quickly and then profit for the rest of the time they had the panels. The response was "That's up to your mother" and then from her it was "I don't know anyone with solar panels on their home" which means no. To me it makes no sense NOT to do it, but to her its a new concept and unless her friends have done it she's not going to because she didn't grow up with it. I tried the same thing with a Tesla. My mom just bought a new car at a price comparable to a Model 3. She has often complained about the smell of gasoline when pumping her own gas and put safety as one of the most important features for her new car. Well Tesla has no gas and makes the safest cars out there. She won't even consider it because it's different and new. She will pretend to listen to me about it but that's about it, it doesn't matter how level headed and logical the conversation or approach is, if its not something my parents are familiar with or want themselves, they are closed minded about it even if it could be beneficial to them. But someone they know could say the same exact thing to them and get their attention. They may even tell me how good of an idea it is without remembering a conversation I had with them about it that week.

So basically I find it difficult to relate to them even when I meet them half way and its not something that I can't reasonably expect them to relate to, and I find that frustrating because I feel like I'm putting in a fair effort and they aren't because they're too comfortable too and are oblivious to how their stubbornness is and will affect our relationship and how close we are more and more down the line.

/r/personalfinance Thread Parent