I'm (F 21) a disappointment to my family.

Sister, you’re not a disappointment to anybody. I care about you and I see the potential in you. You are talented. You speak Japanese and Arabic! You will learn how to drive. It’s not easy for anybody at first! The written test isn’t easy! It takes practice! You will get it, nobody gets it on the first ever attempt. Trust me. My neighbor worked at the DMV and told me nobody ever gets perfect scores on every single answer. That’s why they say passing is at least 8 out of 15 correct answers in my state.

Sister, please don’t harm your beautiful self. I know it’s not easy being you and living your life with your family environment. But please. Talk to me or anybody on here the next time you feel lonely or discouraged. We can help you! We can take your mind off things and maybe even cheer you up! And I only say this because I care about you, but I used to feel bad about myself and like nobody cared about me.

I used to quit jobs all the time and spend all my money and never had a paycheck or a savings or ability to hold a job down. I used to think about Suicide.

This was 3 years ago. I saw an ad for the Suicide hotline in a Christmas catalog. I thought, wtf? But what did I have to lose.

I called them and told them I was feeling hopeless and at a loss in my life like I’d never be anybody.

The woman on the phone was a nice social worker. She told me, “son, you may feel that way now, but you won’t always feel that way. You’re only 25, trust me when I was your age I didn’t have it figured out either. It takes time. Every job you hold down is like a stepping stone. It may not be your dream job or what you love to do, but it’s a stepping stone that gets you from here, to a better place where you want to be”

She told me “son, you have a lot of years ahead of you. Don’t give up now when there’s so much ahead of you.”

She told me she didn’t want me to harm myself and I said I wouldn’t, and she wanted me to talk to a therapist for a year and see how my life improves. I had nothing to lose so I listened to her.

It honestly helped me so much. My therapist was a nice guy who helped me overcome my anxiety and helped me with job interviews. I practiced and had a lot of job interviews and each one became easier then the last. I finally got to pick between jobs versus only taking the only place that would call me.

My therapist put me in a college career counseling class that helped me with re-writing my resume and selling myself with all the skills and talents and experience I have. I used to think my college degree was worthless, it’s really not when you sell yourself and make yourself look like a professional with a high quality college education!

Sister, I share my story with you because I want you to know that there is hope. We are all here for you and we wanna help make your life better. Do what I did, call somebody. Reach out. It’s okay to be unsure or afraid and still ask for help. There are so many nice people in this world who are willing to listen to you and help you out. You can’t always do it alone. It’s true, nobody can do everything by themselves. We need a team to help us get through life.

And once you’re there, life is so much more enjoyable.

I am 29 years old, I’m in a great career versus being unemployed minimum wage Pizza Hut job 4 years ago. I’m no longer depressed or feeling hopeless. I feel like every day is a new adventure. I can do whatever I want. With the money I saved up from working I was able to live with a friend and then get my own small apartment, and I love being my own boss. Nobody tells me what to do anymore at home. I can have my friends over any time I please.

I can go anywhere I want with my used car I bought after three paychecks. I have health insurance from my job and I use it to get any healthcare I need. If I get sick, if I want to talk to a counselor, if I want new eyeglasses, everything is covered which is great.

I just want you to know that I care. And your life has so much more to be done sister. Please believe me. I love you sister and I want you to know you’re a wonderful person in your own right. Don’t compare yourself to anyone.

My brother is taller than me and gets girls, but not all the girls want a guy who is 6’5”. I am lucky to be who I am; and that’s how I’ve made the friends I have.

/r/family Thread