I'm homeless because I don't want to work for the man

Shudder There are so many thing wrong with everything here I don’t know where to start. I’ll hit the highest point.

“Capitalism” as this guy knows it is not the free enterprise system it should be. What he knows is crony capitalism, where greed is protected by those who would buy enough political power because there is a system of unilateral power they can bend to their will and become less reliant on the consumer than they should be.

True free enterprise is the only system that PROTECTS the consumer from greed because it’s the only system without a unilateral power structure, therefore, it truly is the government of the minority. In it, there is no political or class division because those things don’t matter. Elections don’t see billions of donations because there is no incentive to buy them (and ideally, there really are none).

/r/ChoosingBeggars Thread Link - i.redd.it