I'm John Titor. And I need help.

I said I was John Titor in the past, but I just made that up. I'm not John Titor. But I am interested in developing the story of John Titor. So here is my take on the story.

"The internet does greatly develop in 15 years time, heh?"

360 Terabytes can be stored on one crystal disc.

G.Fast will give customers up to 750 megabits per second of Internet speed this year in 2016.

"Time Police Association of the Soviet Empire, or Time Cops."

The Soviet Empire? Russia dissolved its own union because states such as the Ukraine were taking more taxes than they were adding value to the Union. Furthermore, Putin has publicly called for a World Coalition Against Extremism. He has problems with terrorists. The world has problems with terrorists. It makes sense. But in order for a coalition to form, Russia can not lead it. Much like the G7, G8, etc. This must be ruled as a Federation of Nations. That means a Russian, Chinese, Canadian-U.S., etc.. leader.

"I was unaware that this organization had been founded in late 2036 and it is actually stopping me from completing my new goal: Stop the whole nuclear war, clear up this shit, make everything normal."

Why would Time Police stop you from stopping a nuclear war? It seems in everyone's interest that a nuclear war not happen. Even invading aliens would not want a nuclear war if it destroys whatever they are sneaking around to get.

"But like I said, I had an encounter with the Time Police in 2037 and the quickest destination I could get to using this newest Microsoft 100S 1.2 Time Machine was exactly this moment."

MicroSoft made the news for the first time in awhile when it announced the acquisition of LinkedIn. Sure, MS is making progress on HoloLens which they have only released testing kits for $3000. Goggle and Lenovo are releasing a similar product to consumers called "Tango" at the end of this Summer for under $500. I wouldn't bet on MS being around in 2037.

"I hope this overwhelmingly crowded website's audience can find this post because I, and you, are in desperate need. Although I have managed to stop major conflicts throughout the U.S.A, including another Civil War and World War 3, the future is pointing to a New Soviet Empire made up of Russia, China, North Korea, and Brazil, and many other countries, that will face off against the NATO? Is that it? In a mass nuclear war that will wipe out almost 4 billion people on this planet."

How are you going to stop a Civil War in the U.S.? Jobs are being lost at an exponential rate. Joblessness leads to revolt and Civil War. Civil War leads to Martial Law and a mandatory military Draft. Which leads us back to the World Federation. South America, Brazil is in pretty bad shape right now. A corrupt government. Garbage. Super bugs. Violence.

"This conflict is due to happen in 2019. In the mean time, this was fully intended more towards owners of time machines or fellow time travelers in this time to come out into the open and reveal how to fix this new time machine I have, it's different from the IBM creations ..."

IBM is in poor shape. They've been replacing workers with low wage H1Visa guest workers. They've got a few interesting services coming to the world yet. Perhaps something to do with the hidden capabilities of the IBM5100? They been sitting on Project Mercury so long so the government can use it that perhaps they will release it to consumers to keep themselves from bankruptcy.

"Because, even though I do feel empathy for all you human beings, I need to fix or redevelop my time machine so I can head to the future and stop all conflicts between Russia and America, or even the past. I would really not have to wait 3 years in this really low-developed timeline only to know my death will come soon."

"All you human beings" is a sign of mental dis-function. Time travellers would be human in order to fit into their past environment without raising suspicion. Imagine if a time traveller got hurt and a doctor of this time opened him up and found sub-dermal implants or genetically modified organs? The time traveller would be sent to a lab for dissection. Mission over for the time traveller. And the current government would know about time travellers.

What is the motivation for anyone to help you? Work on that part of your story. I'm calling all you Reddit readers to help me spread the word about Obama. He's a Muslim. The Caliphate is rising. The terrorist attacks won't stop. Help me resist the rise of Islam in the West. Help me calm tensions between NATO and Russia and unite them in a World Coalition. Help me address unemployment through the introduction of a tried and true Military pay grade system. Combat duty is optional.

/r/timetravel Thread