Seek closure with ex over coffee?

Ohhhhhh sweetie. No.

Closure is something you give yourself. No one else can give it to you. Closure is about making peace with your full history (or in this case, with the full history of your marriage) - and by making peace with it in this moment, you accept responsibility for the lack of peace you have had about it until now.

It sounds from your post as though your husband blames you for problems in the marriage. If he chooses not to look at his own contribution to those problems, then he’s cheating himself of real closure … but that’s not a decision you get to make. All you can do is your own difficult and meaningful work.

I also get the sense that you’d like to share a moment with him of honoring the love you two one shared. He may not want to do that with you, and you don’t need his participation in order to do it. He doesn’t get to decide the value of the love you offered him - only you can do that.

Sending you a mom hug.

/r/relationship_advice Thread