I'm not sure what to do about this guy (26/m) who just rejected me (26/f) but wants to be friends?

Look all you can do is move forward. There’s no point in psychoanalyzing his intentions because we know what they are based on his words and based on his actions with you . You now know that you are attractive enough for ppl to want to hook up with you. You also know you’re the type that wants a meaningful relationship. Use this knowledge to find a guy that will not use you.

Look, in the future, if you choose to hold out with a guy and he still wants you then bingo you may have just found your keeper. You’ll also know you found a guy that will respect you because you won’t just hook up. That’s why I say hooking up is emotionally unhealthy and dangerous. It’s just causes issues. My advice: Learn from this situation and In the future, avoid all hook ups and you will minimize your chances of this situation happening again and maximize your chances of meeting the right person. I guarantee you will end up finding a much better person, as hard as they are to find. Now focus on your mental health, learn how to accept this situation, and focus on your studies and move on! This is all just temporary noise in the end. You got a whole life ahead of you.

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