I'm NOT TRIGGERED i'm just obsessively @ing you on twitter!!! ;(

Mascots, while yes, they can enjoy their job, doesn't necessarily mean it defines them as a person. Not to mention, mascots are in general used for merchandising & advertising purposes. They aren't designed to help the person inside the suit to express themselves. They are designed as an icon, a logo. Something people will recognize and immediately think of the product it goes with.

Also there are other communities which in my opinion are just better options to help those who aren't quite as social. Overall there is just too much toxicity, too and from the furry community. (Many furries being hypersexual, and groups such as the "burned furs" attempting to stop acts of perversion within their own community.)

I feel like another community can be better for those looking to be apart of a group. For instance, many video games have many intricacies to learn, or great stories to follow.

There are many people who are willing to help you further improve at a game, or understand what separates the best players in the world from the rest; or what deep stories and character's backstories there are and what they can be interpreted as.

But furries don't really provide any sort of deep discussion, and are kind of just people who like animals and want to act like one.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread Parent Link - 66.media.tumblr.com