I'm sure that's how it went

I have known many many many many different therapists and various psych professionals.

I've also had multiple times where trainees whome I am told were straight out of college, quietly sit in on my sessions, and even had one of those people go on to become my normal counselor.

I'm a child trafficking victim and I've know others with even more fucked up life stories than mine, and I have not seen nor known anyone who has seen any of those professionals show anything close to full on crying, if anything their too emotionless, but I guess that's unavoidable.

They are trained to not react in any way that will distress the patient. Even the shittiest techs I've known didn't get emotional about life stories of any kind.

A part of their education probably involved case studies and generally learning about the causes of disorders, they've heard it all before.

If this did happen, this isn't a testimate to their fucked up life, this is a testimate to this particular therapist being fucking useless.

/r/Cringetopia Thread Link - i.redd.it