This is important.

IDK why people have a problem differentiating between feminists. My husband has recently become obsessed with the red pill and it's becoming annoying to get blamed for every radical left nutjob on the internet. According to Teh Mens feminism is now completely incongruent with being, y'know, a reasonable human being n'shit, which is obviously completely untrue.
The trouble is, many men being the self-centred babies that they are, they only care about number 1. As long as they and their immediate DNA carriers are ok then they don't care about the rest of their gender, and basically they want women to fight their political battles for them, or more specifically just cave in nicely on ground they can't be bothered to fight. The whole "feminism has gone too far" schtick doesn't wash when men don't give a crap about their own. The people who will end up being bothered about injustices for boys and men will be wives, mothers and sisters. I have a baby son and I'm already concerned that a female-dominated teaching profession can't deal with boys in the classroom (my mum teaches kids who are excluded and is constantly saying how they are crying out for male teachers, or at least women who don't dismiss natural boyish behaviour as rowdy and disruptive or worse try and medicate them for adhd or the like). I'm already concerned that my son will more than likely be a victim of a physical assault if he ends up with the build of his dad (very large and constantly the guy that gets picked on by the psycho with a point to prove about how hard he is). I am concerned that he will see an issue that is important to me as something which is antagonistic and something to be battled against.
There are clearly some individuals who can't deal with rational argument, and they need to pipe down for everyone else's sake, but there is a difference between a non-feminist saying "I disagree with you for reasons x, y and z" and "your opinion isn't valid- get back in the kitchen" etc.
The drafting thing- I think more of an issue is the equality of opportunity. In the British Army, male and female soldiers are paid the same amount. Fair enough you say, but the male soldiers need to pass a much more physically demanding selection test for the same role. I would change male and female requirements to specific corps requirements, so that the argument of women on the front line of combat is a practical one not an ideological one. If there's a lady out there who can do an infantry CFT up Pen-Y-Fan with a GPMG I will eat my own face.

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