This 'impossible mirror shot' scene from Sucker Punch uses practical effects for the first part before transitioning seamlessly to CG effects.

Similar complaints could be made about Mad Max: Fury Road though, and that movie is definitely feminist, Eve Ensler was a consultant.

And of course it was miles ahead in quality and didn't try to throw too much at the audience so as to be confusing.

Similar feminism checkmarks though - overcoming victimization through socialization (banding together instead of competing with each other, etc.) The 'teammate' that wants to get back in the ruler's favor. The older woman mentor who is trying to help the only way she knows how. The assistance of male allies. The blending of it into a traditional action movie that appeals to the male audience. The scant outfits - Mad Max actually did have a male gazey shot but it was subverted in the movie by actually being about the water, but let's not kid ourselves about the audience. Sucker Punch's outfits weren't all that scanty imo, considering the dance environment. The fantasy outfits were simply stylish. Anyway, SP hits all the same marks, you just have to watch it with the notion that it's made for women but meant to appeal to everyone.

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