Insomniac Games on 'Edge of Nowhere': "this game wouldn't exist at all if Oculus hadn't funded it."

Most people with VR Headsets are consuming as much content as they can, 50% adoption isn't unheard of in the market right now when looking at games like Hover Junkers and Audioshield.

I won't argue that Oculus helped the game be made, because its really risky to develop larger budget titles for such a small audience. But it isn't doing the developer any favors by locking the title down to a single platform. Especially with more VR headsets on the horizon.

It wouldn't be as big of an issue if Oculus kept to their word, that titles would be store exclusive and not hardware exclusive. But its very apparent that isn't the case. Its unrealistic to expect people to buy multiple headsets to play what little content is available right now. The market would implode if the same were true for computer monitors or televisions. And it is a display technology at the end of the day. Running on the same OS and game engines, with mostly the same hardware.

The harm it does to developers and the market aren't out weighed by the very slight advantage is gives Oculus in selling rifts. They will probably make less money off of it because of people buying a rift over another headset to get access to the title, than the developer would if they were able to sell to the rest of the market. And the developer is the one taking all the risk, even with backing.

Oculus could have built a reputation for facilitating the creation of high quality VR experiences, but instead all you see online and in the news is how they want to create a walled garden, and are fighting for decisions that are inexcusably anti-consumer AND anti-developer for their own benefit. Why can't we have official "Oculus" games for all platforms, that are guaranteed and optimized to run best on Oculus devices.

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