Cutting white lines through black background

It’s an excellent depiction of the trope ‘turtles all the way down’

Abyssal infinity, no beginning, no end, just the one ever present moment you are beholden to forever without end, no future no past where the only logical alternative is complete, absolute, perpetual...


Then suddenly you fundamentally understand that absolute nothing cannot exist without comparing it to something, therefore nothing is actually a thing, therefore some thing and not no thing...

...and suddenly no thing becomes more terrifying than anything you can possibly imagine. You might come to realize then that the fact you are conscious and thinking about things, that no thing could not possibly exist, because then you wouldn’t exist, like, at all, ever.

A short crisis may ensue upon the discovery that as much as you are uneasy with perpetual existence, where you’ve existed so long you have become I and no see myself as you, that the concepts of time and space then become arbitrary at a fundamental level.

The rest of this life that you (I?) live then is spent not attempting to achieve a high score in dollars and cents, but instead seeking understanding of what it means to exist in a hall of mirrors where every perceived moment in time is merely your-my single perspective within a single point in time of a reality that is likely happening all at once.

There is only ever now, past is only recorded information, the future a prediction.

TLDR: something something no such thing as no thing. Dig?

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