Introducing Apollo, a brand new Reddit experience for iOS. Gorgeous, iOS centric design, an incredible Media Viewer, fully customizable gestures, a full Markdown editor, and sculpted by thousands of Redditors.

Posted this in r/apolloapp but apparently it got overlooked in favor of all of the 'I just bought pro!' posts. Anyways, here's my feedback/concern on the current implementation of filters:

This is currently the best AB replacement I've ever tried, and I am very close to finally making a switch (and buying pro), but will be holding off until we get the ability to filter out more than 100 subreddits. I'm sure that seems like overkill for some people, but with the amount of spammy meme and circlejerking political subreddits, on top of other ones I'm just not interested in, 100 isn't nearly enough to cover them all.

Alien blue's filtering would search both post content AND the subreddit it was posted in, so inputting 'memes' would not only filter out posts with 'memes' in the title, but also r/memes, r/memesirl, r/dankmemes, r/wholesomememes, r/deepfriedmemes, r/surrealmemes, r/prequelmemes, r/sequelmemes, etc etc

I did notice in the announcement topic that the creator was working on 'more powerful content filtering,' so I'm hopeful that includes the ability to filter more than the current official reddit max of 100.

EDIT: Forgot to mention a bug(?) if I DO try to filter out a subreddit past 100, either through the filtering page or by filtering the subreddit through the settings menu on the subreddit page, the app gives confirmation that it was successfully added to the filter. When I go to the filter list, the newly added subreddit isn't there and it's posts are still shown in r/all

/r/apple Thread