Islamic art and psychedelics - Is there a connection?

So long as we deny the divine within us, the ground is cursed where we walk and Nature itself wages war on us. But if we open our eyes to the divine nature within us, we are returned again to paradise.

What is paradise? For us, Earth.

Reasons for this interpretation, phrase by phrase:

  • Denying the divine began when we came up with the idea that "good" and "evil" exist. We then deny the things that are "evil" within us, and imagine arbitrary values and conditions to be "good" and strive towards them, completely forgetting that this is an arbitrary distinction that is only within our own mind. There is no "evil" thing that some animal does not do as a matter of course of its own existence. "Evil" is something we made in our own minds, as is "good," and we become lost in this definitions, striving to avoid evil and be "good" ... all the while forgetting the divine nature within us.

  • The ground is cursed where we walk because our definitions of "good" and "evil" are utterly fabricated and are not in synchrony with Nature. As a brutally specific example, we conduct monoculture agriculture through application of pesticides, fertilizers, and oil in such a way to strips the topsoil of all life including the trophic webs that support ongoing fertility of the soil. Our definition of "good" means that we focus our efforts on maximum production, but fail to take into account sustainability, the resilience of diversity, and so on. By understanding more of how Nature works (no such thing as "trash", only using renewable resources, crop rotation, species diversity, agroforestry, etcetera) the ground becomes less "cursed" and will support life (and us) further into the future.

  • Nature itself wages war on us because we create great expanses of ecological destruction and once-fertile soil becomes desert. If we do not change our course, eventually the globe warms and wipes us out, as we are discovering to our dismay.

  • As for opening our eyes, this is probably the path of enlightenment and may be achieved in an infinite number of ways, with or without chemical assistance. The end result is common: a recognition of the divine, within and without.

That's how I see it.

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