Jalisco New generation Cartel dismember rival from La Familia Michoacana

I'm sorry if I ruined your coffee. The main reason I'm starting to post this kind of stuff is to bring awareness. I live in Texas. Although I am not Mexican, I have grown up with many AMAZING Mexicans!!!

Im so confused how America talks about TERRORISM.. TERRORISTS...ummm let's see here..... although I know that many Americans have been affected by the longest War in US history... Afghanistan.... Iraq ..I have personally known many many more that have lost ones either through overdoses, getting locked up for drugs, and some that have died in Mexico from the Violence in Mexico.

I have not ever met any Afghans or Iraqi's or Vietnamese for that matter that have ever affected me or mine!! The fucking fentanyl has destroyed many...including me!!!!

I'm ready for fullscale war against these fucks!!!! Stop letting the shit get here and the demand will die. So don't tell me about the demand!! I've read my great grandpa's diary....he was busy balling hay and drinking beer...he never had access to poppies and coca!!!!

/r/NarcoFootage Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it