Jamie Hyneman Busts a Myth in /R/MildlyInteresting Regarding a Posible Sighting of Him at a Car Wash

Whenever you post something anywhere public, your parents, boss, wife, kids, heroes, rivals, friends, lifelong crush, grandma, parole officer, next-door neighbor, HR representative, local news station, Jeff (who you still owe $50 btw), or anyone, or anyone else who sees what they reblog or share, could possibly see it.

Post Responsibly. Mass exposure makes us all equal. Don't cock it up by being a dick (heh). Jamie Hyneman, the individual mentioned in the title, saw this. If I made a post about seeing /u/vernetroyer or /u/govschwarzeneggar somewhere, it'd be reasonable to expect them to see it, and reply accordingly.

And honestly, famous people are just like everyone else. They go through the same shit anyone does, just more publicized. They get sick. They pay bills. They have family and friends they worry about. Some of those people they care about in turn don't give a shit about them, and it hurts.

Maybe I'm famous. Maybe I'm someone you've read about, or recognize, and you look up to me (check my post history, you probably don't). Doesn't really matter. Each of us is one of seven billion people on this planet, and each of us is worth something. If all I ever do is make someone else smile for a moment and fleetingly forget their troubles, I consider that a win, and though I'll probably never meet them, that's okay. I made life better for somebody (even if it was temporary), and after enough of those, maybe they'll do the same for someone else.

And that's what really matters. We're all on the same team. If you're having an off day, we have your back. If you're doing well, help someone else who's not. Don't matter if you don't know them personally.

Care. You just might be surprised.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com