Jim Carrey: I Needed Color (2017) Jim Carrey painting in his New York studio and expressing what art means to him. [6.18]

I relate to Jim Carrey way too much. Growing up I would watch everything with Jim Carrey in it, that and SNL. He made me want to become an actor and living in LA it wasn't hard to know people who know people.

I was always an introvert and like he says in this trailer, I would love going to my room. I wouldn't write poems like Jim, but I would write lists and try to deconstruct random things with lists. I've had hundreds of thousands in my life. Sometimes I would rather do my lists than hang out with friends. I was doing theater too and loved it, some would say I was a natural (but I was all talent and no skill). Maybe it was because my homelife was so hectic, but I had major anxiety when it came to deadlines and learning lines. I would think so much about the deadline that I couldn't focus on the lines themselves. That's the reason I didn't pursue acting long-term. That and I couldn't stand how fake people were in the profession. I went into film.

In college I went into directing and writing for film and even worked in the film cage, giving film equipment to students. I couldn't pay for it, wasn't making good friends (but I wasn't taking risks) and felt a degree at a film was worthless. I dropped out after three year later because I started building my own curriculum with classes and had a while to go before graduating. I DO think the classes helped me in being the best, most creative me I could be. So I guess that was worth it (but not worth all the money it cost).

After college I moved back to LA, and I just noticed how artsy my family was. I was always doing the performance art and my family was always painting or drawing or creating in some way. It was inspiring to see and I tried drawing. At first I wasn't great, but started to do 6 a day for about four months and I got much better. I've only been drawing for about 6 minths, but I love to do it and I think I'm getting better every day.

My uncle is actually a really good painter and discovered his painting later in life (he got bored with all of his money) and has offered to teach me, but I just feel like I have so much more control with a pen or pencil. My dad is a painter by trade and I worked with him for a while so I think I get how paint works.

I'm in my mid 20s now, but maybe when I'm older I'll pull a Jim Carrey and start to paint. I've always loved everything hes stood for and I hope I could meet him one day. Maybe even paint with him.

/r/Documentaries Thread Link - vimeo.com