Joe Scarborough drops Jeffrey Epstein bomb on Morning Joe, says "there's always this swirl, and it's not by right wingers, it's by the most powerful people in media [..] these are really really bad issues for Hillary and Bill if anybody has the guts to bring it up".

Bizarre! The Democrats on the panel are saying that this will hurt Hillary, but the RINO is trying to deflect and say that Bill Clinton being a pedophile will hurt . . . Trump? (You could see the perplexity of the panelists when Scarborough tried to float that absurdity to protect Clinton.) Their bafflement only deepened when Scarborough asserted that a blackmailable politician in a position of responsibility wasn't "the American people's business" and it was only a personal issue for Hillary. Even as Hillary is reviving the "Two for the Price of One" slogan, and saying she'll install Bill as the steward of the economy. Not the American people's business, Joe? What job do you think these people are running for: private ice cream vendor? Hot dog salesman? No, Joe. They're trying to rule over the American people--and you claim it's not the American people's business?

This illustrates the disconnect between the populace and the ruling elite [who don't think that the American people have an interest in knowing who rules over them]. This is exactly why they keep electing outsiders to clean this corrupt system up. And it's also why the Republican base is fed up with the RINOs carrying water for the Democrats. Which is why Mitt Romney lost the last election to Obama. He was counseled to kiss Obama's ass while Obama and his surrogates savaged him.

Sorry, Joe. Trump fights back. Nothing you can do and nothing you can say will make it make sense when you claim that Bill Clinton being a pedophile will hurt the people exposing it. Why trying to silence it, Joe?

Could it be that you used to be a Congressman from Florida, and billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was also from Florida? We gonna see any other names in his little black book, Joe?

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