Jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded

You said he's tweeted hundreds of times before this without a mistake. Clearly you were wrong.

Again, total disregard for reading comprehension, context, word association, etc. Mistake in this case was very clearly regarding the tweet you also referenced as "this fuck up." "This fuck up" being a typo tweet that he deleted. "This fuck up" being the "mistake" I was referencing. Nowhere were political opinions being deleted mentioned until you brought them up.

Obamas time with Twitter as POTUS

Again, you're further trying to tunnel-vision this with constraints that you didn't bring up in your original comment. Can you just state your argument plainly instead of constantly changing the metrics? I can agree that Trump makes a lot of general mistakes. But my original statement was never general, it was in reference to the tweet that was the start of this whole debate that you even brought up.

The errors I referenced were only done AS president.

Again, this was not a metric you brought up until after I brought up that Trump has been on twitter for much longer.

You're currently very outraged that I dared call him inept.

I'd say "check my comment history to see that I'm not a zealot" but I've been deleting comments a few days after posting them so I can post in non-political subreddits without someone looking at my first-page and yelling at me, as has already happened a couple times anyway.

I don't think Trump is inept. I think he's hasty, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a reason to call him "inept" other than "I disagree with his policy."

We were talking about tweet errors. You realized that in that conversation you lose as Trump had several and Obama none.

You still don't get whataboutism. I'll use the edit from my other comment to explain this as plainly as I can:

Athlete A has played baseball all his life up until this last year when he switched to hockey too. Athlete B has played hockey all his life. If you want to make an argument that Athlete A is more athletic because he didn't make any hockey mistakes in his year of hockey, but Athlete B did make mistakes during his many years in hockey, you can't accurately defend the conclusion. In order to determine who is "better" you'd have to include context and take Athlete A's sports career against Athlete B's sports career in general. Saying "well, Athlete B has a nice car" is whataboutism. It has no possible bearing on the conclusion being agreed or disagreed on.

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