Jolie Porier to Mcgregor

I hope he follows a decent path now.

Being a lunatic has made him an internationally famous multi-millionaire. Strutting around like a chimp with a full diaper and shouting vague threats into a microphone got him a hundred million dollar payday for his one and only pro boxing match that he lost decisively.

He has zero incentive to stop or even slow down.

if not I can see this man falling real hard and losing everything.

He is a professional fighter that hasn’t won a professional fight in five years. He’s never made more money. He made $180 million in just this year. Mostly from selling his whisky brand but it’s still money in his pocket. He’s a marketing genius. And now he knows his best days are well behind him. The guys he used to trounce as a two division champ have moved on. Now all he has is his performance. I’d expect it to really go off the rails as soon as he gets out of surgery.

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