Why is Jordan Peterson the "patron saint" of /r/badphilosophy?

The other common claim I see is that the term "postmodern neomarxist" is an oxymoron. Yes it is, in a technical sense. It's also an accurate term to describe huge swaths of academia. A huge amount of professors identify as marxists, and they use postmodern ideas to push this.

Postmodernism is more a description of an cultural period, and hardly a coherent movement, let alone ideology. "Huge amount" of professors in humanities are left leaning because these types are usually anti capitalist by default. Besides, marxist theory (with its derivatives) has a certain appeal for people who are into social/political theory, as it tends to be quite intricate. Real political influence of these people is close to zero.

Personally, I don't like many aspects of what you'd call postmodernism in culture and politics. Not because they're dangerous, but because they are useless. But, dude, there is no conspiracy. There are no communists coming around the corner to overthrow Western civilization, and you're certainly not going to save it parroting few basic jungian tropes. It's actually hilarious to see people over here go on about "postmodernism" and "resentment". I mean, take a good look at the mirror. I understand it's hard to face the fact that life is inherently a mess, and to find the scapegoats. But sooner you let it go, better for you.

/r/JordanPeterson Thread Parent