Jury Duty in Orange County

Wondering about actual good ideas people have for making it easier for people to serve. Aside from the government paying at least minimum wage while at jury duty, or requiring businesses to maintain full wages, I can’t think of much else to help with the fact that people have jobs, kids, etc. to tend to.

I’m thinking of the few people I know who have nothing better to do than go to jury duty, and I wouldn’t really recommend 12 of them deciding someone’s fate.

Retirees? Sure, that’s an option, but again I don’t think it should be all 12 people over the age of 67 making the decision, since the pool is supposed to be diverse and reflective of the community.

The idea of getting to pick our own date to report one day every couple years sounds nice, but I’ve worked for a temp agency, and the number of people who find it surprising that they are expected to show up for something they signed up for is staggering, so that doesn’t seem too promising either.

/r/orangecounty Thread