Just because CD Projekt didn’t delay the game again doesn’t mean you can’t.

The other guy seems like he is deep into memes, and taking part in pop-culture discussions on the internet.

I'd say I'm "too deep into games" and definitely not casual. I try to "100%" games as best as I can, and I simply can't keep up with the rate that "must play" games release. With my games library growing faster than I can play them, the only way I could keep up and play new releases is by only playing the main campaign, ignoring the rest of the game, and switching to the next new release to do the same.

I simply have no reason to buy a new release game, unless I want to prioritise it over games I have got around to playing yet - which is actually what I did with Cyberpunk 2077... If I had a serious issue with the bugs, I'd play the other games I haven't played yet, and give CDPR time to patch out the bugs.

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