Just got this, anyone fans of the Netflix movie? I love it despite the “twist” ending lol

I don't wanna perpetuate negativity or anything, so I'll say this: as a big fan of DQV, many parts of the movie were pleasant to watch. Certainly Bianca and Flora were portrayed in a charming way.

But as a big fan of DQV, I also think this movie is kind of a dick move and just disrespectful in general. There are a lot of choices that big DQ fans in Japan disagree with, such as throwing away the established voice actresses in favor of more famous names, and throwing away Toriyama's character designs in favor of... I don't know, a generic look they believed would be more marketable? The twist isn't even the worst part, really.

But anyway, I think both camps kind of exaggerate the whole thing, the "this movie is a love letter to fans" is clearly wrong in my opinion, due to the things I just stated, I don't think it was made for DQ fans at all. But the "this movie is a crime against Dragon Quest" camp is bad too.

It's just a harmless movie that aimed for spectacular mediocrity and achieved it with no issue. That's my opinion on it, I guess. I know it's an unpopular opinion, and I did start out on the "it's a terrible idea" camp, but I've come around to accepting that it's just a boring idea more than anything else. More boring designs, more boring actors, more boring plot choices -- it just takes out the teeth of DQV.

Sorry for the long kind of negative post, but yeah, it's just kind of whatever, that's my view.

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