This just hit me. The purpose of the Russia investigation is a psyop on Trump to convince him that his best advisors were actually Russian agents that can't be trusted.

Doubt it

Trump picked all of his people, he's done business in Russia. Doesn't look good for him but I also don't think Russia cost Hilary the election either... she was a bad candidate and only redeeming quality was she knew the job and how to do it. Trump has come in and just played tv persona for everyone and not getting anything positive done, instead pushing laws that are just.....sne I hate to use this word due to its overuse...Dividing! the people in this country.

I voted for Gary Johnson just because I thought he's at least a real human being in government and not playing the bullshit card. He may not of been perfect but I guarantee he's of been well liked and respected all the while keeping things peaceful. But who really knows, I knew enough about him to think he's far better than Clinton or Trump. I used to be a huge fan of Trump too, I even was sorta happy he won the election.. But he changed everything that made him somewhat likeable, and he's been flip flopping more in this short time than any other president before him. I was convinced at first he just wanted to be called Mr.President purely for ego, then I realized me night he different then the normal politician and somewhat interested in his ideas, and then finally learning it all up till now and I see I was originally correct about him.

Shame too, he really could be a great president too.. But he's got to much interference and he's losing a lot of appeal to his voters I think.

/r/conspiracy Thread