Just wait until the Donald casts his eyes northward

You think that was an temper tantrum?! Are you retarded? No wonder noone agrees with your claim that justin having temper tantrums. You don't know what they are! Look up! That is a form of satire. It takes parts of another work and juxtaposes it with apt, but absurd analogies. See, you're learning something!

The contrast I felt was really enjoyable to point out is how you are calling people names. Did I call you a name or show anger? No! I had fun with it. Did you get angry and call people names? YES! So I think we both know what you had, and it might have included some tears and screaming and beating on the floor with your fists and feet. It's ok. You'll be allright. Just stop getting upset when You aim a microscope at the PM and try to blow non-incidents out of proportion, or quote out of context something said years ago and apply it now. Top marks for honesty.

I bet you don't want me to point out the blatent hypocrisy of worrying that justin lacks decorum, when Harper is the one who cost us a seat on the security council because he offended everyone there with his pompus attitude. But lets focus on minutia of Justins behaviour. Then pretend he committed assault. That's not a felony. But guess what! One was commited by the PMO in the last admin! If you get this upset when justin talks out of turn, are you going to be able to even with felonies and global embarrasment?

I guess the long and the short of it is your an doomed to being made fun of and never taken seriously if you think its appropriate to castigate someone for taking a conversation where you don't want it to go. Who do you think you are? And again, I can provide an answer. You're someone who needs a little more maturity. And a sense of humor. And perspective. But like a reasonable adult, you think that it is not reasonable to compare behaviour between people. well done! Comparing apples and apples is clearly a impossible because of the different units.

What are you going to miscatagorize this response as? If my previous one was a tantrum (really, look in the mirror and reread your comment. There's some salt here, but it aint on me lol) perhaps you'll think this one is a form of interpretive dance. It would be about as appropriate. Keep up the good fight in overreacting to insignificant events. I'm sure it's healthy for you.

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