Justin Trudeau’s Canada is ground zero for the worst of woke

Based article. But I mean anybody with an ounce of logic built into their brings could conclude that decriminalization does nothing to stop drug use. Second, Why do we give this light that some how people are better then they are? The absolute truth about drugs is it is an addiction, the only way to solve that will be actual treatment. And only if someone wants to actually get cleaned. Their is without a doubt some people that much rather be high, drunk, etc. We know this, been told many times that for some ignorance is bliss. Their are some who do want to quit, but do not doubt for a second that being under the influence is by any means the factor for why someone quits. As someone who used to smoke (obviously different from hard drugs) only quit cause of money. However, smoking cigs was fucking amazing, best moments to myself was having a cigarette in the morning and being by myself.

/r/canada Thread Link - telegraph.co.uk