The kind of little pricks that American Universities are now turning out

Lenin/Stalin would be proud of this level of bullshit

FTFY... with the only real difference being the nature of the scapegoating. Lenin/Stalin borrowed Marxist class warfare in order to consolidate power for the Communist party. In fact the rhetoric of modern Social Marxists (Feminists and SJWs) very directly substitutes white-male as the bourgeoisie.

What would clearly be seen as scapegoating in almost any other context is happily ignored in this case due to some revisionist history being taught in schools that does not reflect reality. Real history would undermine their position in a way that would alarm anyone who is paying attention. Here's a short list of such things...

  1. The repressed women fallacy. - It's often asserted by feminists (especially males) that all throughout history, women have been oppressed and "treated like chattel". Actual history records very few cultures that did not extend extensive rights to women including the right to own property and operate businesses. In fact many if not most cultures throughout history have provided specific protections for women to ensure their safety by making men legally responsible for their care. The blurred distinction between "being owned" and "being in the legal guardianship of" is a critical propaganda point for feminists akin to claiming that all children have been brutally enslaved by their parents. The famous cry, "Women and children first!" is solid evidence of a gynocentric society that privileges women... not the other way around.

  2. The White Privilege fallacy - This is the result of white people being collectively framed as slave owners or otherwise heartless conquerors who destroy benevolent non-white cultures. This historical spin is to ignore the fact that white culture (British and American) was responsible for ending slavery across the new world and large swaths of Asia Minor. It also ignores the fact that white people are a global minority with very little influence in much of the world outside of the North America, Europe and Australia. But worst of all it claims that being part of a race imparts the power of the few on all members of the race. In reality racial privilege only exists within the structures specifically pertaining to that race. This is simply neo-tribalism and exists in ALL cultures and is in no way specific to white people.

  3. The notion that ideas can cause real injury - This is the most malignant outgrowth of these hypersensitive movements. Only in an extremely sheltered context can this ever be taken seriously. Thus it is no surprise that this was invented by the most privileged and protected class in the world today, white American women. In reality what is happenening is that this is simply and excuse to ban ideas that expose the outright fraud that serves as a foundation for these movements. "I'm about to hear ideas that prove my entire ideological bend was founded on lies and propaganda...I'm SO TRIGGERED. Quick get some white men to intervene and save me!!"

Feminists and SJWs do not understand power... what it is or how it works... only that they want it and they are going to whine and complain until someone somehow bestows power upon them. What they fail to grasp is that this is literally the weakest form of power and can only exist under rigorously constructed social frameworks. As soon as you throw war or resource scarcity into the mix, this dissolves and power is rightfully restored to those who can actually provide for and protect others. Or more accurately, real power always rests in the hands of those who can provide for and protect others. Since all power is derived from this, privilege is bestowed upon those to whom they are providing for and protecting. Hence, in reality, it is the weakest in Western society that receive the most the privilege to earn a living as a teacher, despite teaching counterproductive drivel.

tl,dr - You can't transfer the capacity to protect and provide (power) to the privileged (those who enjoy the fruits of the powerful). By not understanding and confusing these two things, SJW's and Feminists will continue their ideological death-march into their contrived reality.

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