kpop can be very important and essential in your life but if your favourite group means more to you then actual people around you, you did something wrong in your life

Thank you for saying this. I cannot stress how much some fans put Kpop over their own life. Like if you would rather watch some people on a screen than go and actually do something fruitful or talk to your dear ones, the real issue lies with you.

Everyday on Instagram I come across so many people cribbing about missing out on some announcement because they went to sleep or being mad at their own selves for not being able to wake up at odd times to actually see their faves perform. Not to mention people actually missing school and social functions to sit home and stream!? There is a fine line between being a fan and being obsessed to the point you let it control your life. The latter need therapy fr.

/r/unpopularkpopopinions Thread