[Kyrie Irving after watching Whiplash] "No one gets to see the things you do behind closed doors. The sleepless nights and staying up late and bleeding, basically bleeding for your craft because you want to be that great."

Still holds the record for the lowest box office grossing film to be nominated for the “Best Picture” Academy Award.

I mean, last I checked it did. Whiplash was far more deserving of that Oscar Nomination - and the win - than at least half the other nominated pictures that year. If you disagree, then chances are you don’t know the difference between rushing and dragging, aka, you’re “not my tempo.” I’ll always had a special place in my heart for that film despite the various others that have snuck out of nowhere the past decade. Whiplash came out right when I was in the middle of writing my dissertation in grad school, so the frustrations and no-one-but-you-gives-a-fuck-about-your-insomnia-addled-work-ethic portrayal made me feel like I wasn’t suffering alone for something that hardly any one will ever give a shit about in my life or any other.

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