Ladies, what is the most obvious hint you've dropped that went unnoticed by a guy?

I have had a few of these in the past couple years from the male side, but I took a personal oath to stay single until I got my career together. I had some variously bad relationships that I wanted to ruminate on while I got the other parts of my life going. Also, I really don't want to get stuck in this shithole, and I take my oaths seriously so there is a lot of subconscious motivation to miss out on that shit.

  1. Driving Uber and a woman asks where to get the best BBQ in town. I respond, "I don't really know, because I only eat my dad's BBQ."

"Can I eat your dad's BBQ?"


  1. A colleague invites me to her place to work on some stuff. When I show up she is wearing oversized men's PJ's... after some stuff, she puts her ass three inches from my face to plug in my laptop. When I don't respond with the right body language because I was somewhat surprised and still didn't have my career shit together so am not really ready to get down,

"Oh, that's a no..."

I've also had some minor flirtations at other social events, but I ain't fuckin' until 2018!

/r/AskReddit Thread