Late Night Random Daily Discussion Thread - November 16, 2022 at 09:00PM

Nah, that dude is an abomination. Incompetent dumbfuck. Infact, here are some LPTs for all the budding serial killers here_

If you don’t want to get caught, you’ll have to have a great deal of distance between your life and the victim. Both literally and metaphorically. Not only must your victim be almost “randomly” selected, but there must be no acquaintance between them and anyone involved in your life whatsoever. This is far more difficult than you might imagine, but it gets worse, because it must be entirely unpremeditated. Spur of the moment action and variety will prevent you from developing a modus operandi that is likely to get you caught.

Other things to consider is travel. Cars are obviously the best method for incognito travel, but modern cars should make you think twice. Most modern cars, and all cars with an onboard navigation system, catalogue where you travel and when, and keep a history of it. Likewise, so do smartphones. Leave it behind, and cancel your service to avoid people being suspicious when they cannot reach you.

It is almost impossible to commit a crime without leaving DNA evidence. This will be the major bane of your existence as a budding serial murderer. It’s important that your DNA doesn’t wind up somewhere it shouldn’t be. Like someone else’s home, or an entirely vacant area. Luckily, this is true for every person also, so the best place to commit a crime is anywhere where anyone’s DNA SHOULD be found, and a lot of it. Otherwise crowded areas are absolutely perfect, especially if they are naturally chaotic and confusing.

Under such scenarios, quick changes are invaluable. Versatile clothing, or several layers of different clothing, should be worn and one should perfect the art of changing one’s entire appearance while placing as much distance between them and the victim as possible. You’ll never guess how easy it is to avoid detection with a simple change of clothes, made even easier by mask mandates that conceal your identity, which is no longer out of the ordinary. Do not, under any circumstances, leave a “calling card”.

Initial success may make you feel emboldened, and you may have a sense of pride in your dark deeds that drives you to want to “make a name for yourself”. This is petty, unnecessary, and dangerous. A true killer derives their pride from the kill itself. A dominant predator seeks no validation from it’s prey.

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