Lavrov: Ukraine must demilitarize or Russia will do it

This reminds me of a fight that happened in high school between two dudes. The first guy, we'll call him Mark, was in numerous fights. He was a scrappy dude. He won his fair share, and lost a few too. Bull was a very small guy, no more than 120 lbs. He got the nickname Bull because of his strong will and tenacity.

One day Mark was driving his Ford Ranger erratically, and almost hit a bus that just so happened to have Bull's little sister in it. Bull gracefully approached Mark and explained he needed to be careful, because people's families were on that bus.

Mark heard this and exclaimed, "I drove however the fuck I want. FUCK YOU!" Bull commenced to beating Mark within an inch of his life. The first punch knocked Mark out when his head bounced off a locker. Bull felt he made his point when Mark popped off one more time while Bull was walking away. "Is that all you got pussy?"

Bull then beat Mark so fucking bad he left him in a pool of blood 2'x4'. And Mark had to have an ambulance escort him out.

Mark died like 3 years later in that same truck. He burned to death after he crashed it.

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