Lebanese Sheikh singing Sufi music with a Lebanese band led by a secularist in Saint Joseph University.

That was heavenly! Here's a very quick *rough* translation, because I enjoyed this so much. I didn't pay any attention to aesthetics I just wanted it to be as literal as possible while still conveying the meaning:

ابواب بيتك هذا الليل موصدة .. والسور حتى لسيل الدم لم يحد

the doors of your house are closed tonight // and its fence, even for the flowing of blood, does not budge

فكيف اجمع آلامي لنافلة؟ .. وكيف اسكت هذا الجرح في خلدي؟

so how can i collect my pain and muster even the most trivial of prayers // and how do i silence this wound in my soul?

وكيف ارفع آذاني لقافية؟ .. وكيف أفرغ ما في الوقت من ابد؟

and how can i lend an ear to a verse? // and how can i empty Time of its eternity?

يا ربي والطرقات امتد آخرها .. تشدني .. وحبال العمر من مسد؟

when, my God, the paths are never ending // they pull me; and Time's ropes are infernal?

وهذي الأرض ما ضاقت على أحد .. فكيف يا رب ضاق الكون في أحد؟

and this Earth has always had enough room for everyone // so how is it that the entire universe is constricted inside one person?!

فادخل مساجد ايامي التي صدئت .. ما دام بابك لم يرأف بطرق يدي

so enter the rusty mosques of my life // since your door hasn't softened despite my knocking

وارسل ملائكة ترقى لأغنيتي .. فإن صوتي يتيم الأم والولد

and send angels that move to my song // for my voice is an orphan; no mother and no child

من غير مقتدر يرنو لمنكسر؟ او غير منفرد يحنو لمنفرد؟

who but the powerful listens to the broken? // who but the crooked bows to the upright?

امشي وقامة حزني طول مأذنة .. وكل ما كتب الزيتون معتقدي

i walk with my sadness as tall as a minaret // and everything the olive (trees) wrote are my creed

وفوق ظهر حنيني حمل قافلة .. حتى اشتبهت: هلال ذاك ام جسدي؟

and carrying on the back of my longing, the load of an entire convoy // until i was full of doubt: is that a crescent, or my body?

وذي نقوش لآيات بأعمدة .. ام فعل ازميل هذا العمر في كبدي؟

and are these pillars of carved holy verses? // or the doing of a chisel; a lifetime of carvings in my heart?

خلعت جلدي سجاداً لمن سجدوا .. وكوز قلبي سنداناً لمستند

i took off my skin and made it a carpet for those who prostrated // and the vessel of my heart an anvil for those seeking support

لذاك وسعت احلامي بحبر دمي .. وفوق صدري حملت الجرح عن بلدي

for that i widened my dreams with the ink of my blood // and on my chest i carried the wound for my country

وصرت عبد حسين واحدا احدا .. حتى انال رضاء الواحد الأحد

and I became like Hussein, one and the same // to gain the favour and contentment of the One and Only.

Again, very rough and quick translation. I'll probably go back when I'm bored and clean it up a bit.

/r/arabs Thread Parent Link - youtube.com