Let Rihanna Love Star Trek Without Judging Her [Op-Ed]

(... continued) Okay, so you seem to be entirely antifeminist because you don't think men are the current dominant sex in society, which just makes you delusional. Must be nice up there in your ivory tower of of imagined victimization of men by women. When people try to explain to you the societal dynamics to you, a member of a majority demographic, of course you see them as crazy because you are incapable of empathy. You think your problems are the only ones that truly matter even though half the population has it worse soley based on their vagina. You have no idea what it's like to be intellectually dismissed automatically because of your genitals. You have no clue how frustrating it is when you're viewed as another "whiney female" when something calls for legitimate concern. Feminists are concerned with how masculinity affects men. Why wouldn't they? Gender roles affect everyone negatively. You think feminists like it when men are forced by society to "suck it up" or "insert any other manly trope here"? Feminists, unlike you, know how dismissive behavior and oppression feels like and are able to use it to empathize when it does happen to the opposite sex. For the last time, feminists DO NOT ACCEPT TRADITIONAL GENDER ROLES which lead to societal inequality. You think mothers enjoy it when their husbands or boyfriend's are incarcerated at a higher rate? You think women enjoy it when the men they love have a higher possibility of killing themselves when they are let down by modern civilization? Uh, no.

Frankly, your attitude and worldview, especially about women who are fighting for a better society for you and me, is sickening. You can't get past Reddit stereotypes and labels on ideologies you don't even understand. The only parts you do seem to fully understand are the minority voices of some of the crazies, and that's only because you enjoy being a reactionary. You like to grasp at any straws that allow yourself to be the ultimate victim and you are offended at any idea that doesn't directly feed your ego. How dare anyone ever have it worse than you do. You are so insecure with yourself that the thought of you having any default advantage in Western society because you are male and white makes you feel like even more of a failure. Because as a member of the power demographic, you are expected by everyone to have no problem succeeding in every aspect of your life and you've internalized it. You want to be able to say that you have equal opportunity and footing than, say, a black woman so you aren't as disappointed in yourself when you fail. You seem to want everyone else to see it that way, too. So everyone else is viewed just as privelidged and has just as much power as you do over their own lives. But, a black woman does not have access to what you do. She isn't viewed in the same "light" as you are in society and was less likely born into financial security. You must be either ugly, antisocial(well, this is obvious), unemployable or any combination of these. You've got some sort of superficial superiority complex going on to hide something unpleasant about yourself. Just own up to it and accept it. Maybe see a professional. Your outrageous insecurities obstruct your critical thinking skills. Or you're just in high school/early college so hopefully you'll just outgrow it. Bye.

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