As a teacher at a private school, can I still ask my students to wear masks?

Thank you for the suggestion. I had a situation this morning where two kids came in and said "our dad said to tell you that if you want us to wear masks that we're not required to because of the new rules". I called the dad and he was pretty defiant, I thought the rules were different if we were a private school and said I think we have Hausrecht even though in retrospect I didn't know what it means. He said we don't (true) and seemed very angry, after which I pivoted and said that I understand and that they don't have to wear masks. After the lesson I called him again and apologized, saying that I didn't know exactly how the rules had changed and clarified that today his kids didn't wear masks. He seemed fine with it, but I'm worried that I majorly pissed him off or something and will be in trouble.

On the other hand, the next students came and I spoke with their father and said that there is no more pflicht, but that I will still wear one because I have an autoimmune condition. He said that it's no big deal to them and that his kids will continue to wear them to protect me.

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