Let's get DEEP AskTG; how are you feeling tonight?

Overall overwhelmed.

I managed to get to being like 99% out over the weekend.

I tried dating but realized that I should probably be completely full time before then and my hair needs another month or two before it lets me be full time. So I backed off of that.

I decided what ffs I'm wanting to get and figured up the price and confirmed with a friend that she would go with me when I do it.

And I put pressure on my boss to hire me so I can get paid more. (I'm kinda like a temp)

So basically a fuck load is happening and my ability to handle things emotionally has been not so good lately.

I've been bouncing between having unwanted suicidal thoughts and being happy and it is stressful but I know I'm getting close to the point were that stuff will get better.

Transition is hard. Things getting better makes the bad parts seem even worse and that is scary. I'm so happy that I can see the light at the end and thankful for my amazing friends who keep me going.

Kinda feels better letting that out.

/r/asktransgender Thread