Let's share autohotkey scripts!

I've combined many of the scripts into a convenient auto fire script that only works in warframe, allows single fire mouse clicks but becomes autofire when held down, does the same for buttons 1-4 and allows any button to autofire without being held.

It seems fairly stable, and the timing should account for most skills/delays without messing up.

Hold to Autofire keys 1,2,3 and 4 Tab+anykey = autofires selected key with .75s delay (adjust to suit) Alt+r = reloads the script Alt+s = suspends the script

NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

MaxThreadsperHOtkey 2

SetTitleMatchMode, 2 KeyPress := 2 Counter := 0

IfWinActive, WARFRAME ; so the script is only active in Warframe

InstallMouseHook ; receives input from mouse

InstallKeyBDHook ; receives input from keyboard

!s::Suspend ; turns the script on and off with Alt+s !r::Reload ; reloads the script with Alt+r

Tab:: ; select autofire key click TAB then any key within ½ second Input, KeyPress, T.5 toggle := !toggle loop { if toggle { Send, %KeyPress% sleep 75 }


} if Counter > 0 Suspend return

$1:: ; Hold 1 for autofire KeyWait 1, T0.5
If ErrorLevel
While GetKeyState("1","p"){ Send 1 Sleep 75 } Else
Send 1 return

$2:: ; Hold 2 for autofire KeyWait 2, T0.5
If ErrorLevel
While GetKeyState("2","p"){ Send 2 Sleep 75 } Else
Send 2 return

$3:: ; Hold 3 for autofire KeyWait 3, T0.5
If ErrorLevel
While GetKeyState("3","p"){ Send 3 Sleep 75 } Else
Send 3 return

$4:: ; Hold 4 for autofire KeyWait 4, T0.5
If ErrorLevel
While GetKeyState("4","p"){ Send 4 Sleep 75 } Else
Send 4 return

SetMouseDelay, 10 ~LButton:: ; hold left mouse button for autofire mouse KeyWait LButton, T0.3 ; long enough to single click without invoking autofire If ErrorLevel
While GetKeyState("LButton","p"){
Click Sleep 30 ; adjust for mouse click delay }


I personally replace the Tab:: part of the script with an autofire 3 script because it's more convenient to toggle autofire 3 when I'm nekrosing (or 1 when I'm greedy)

Tab:: toggle := !toggle loop { if toggle { Send 3 sleep 75 }


} if Counter > 0 Suspend return

/r/Warframe Thread