[A Levels] preparedness

Hi! I'm a senior who took A levels last year. One thing that's vv important to note is please don't get carried away and slack. In my J2 year, I took things free and easy even up till June holidays, then I realised I had much less time than I thought I did. (As in, I didn't study during June at all.) Yes, for those of you who are struggling in school for personal reasons or anything and are really happy about being able to "take a break", go ahead. Take the time to recharge. In fact, I do advise that everyone should relax. This is to prevent burning out. But do also continue to keep up with the syllabus and start your revision! I heard that mid year might be affected... as in cancelled. If this really comes to pass, it would mean that you'll only know how much you know at prelims. You don't want to go into prelims getting straight U's. By then, it'll be pretty hard to do well due to the time constraint.

Many people do not have the self-discipline to keep up with their studies even as they are attending school (not taking initiative to clarify doubts with the teacher etc, not doing homework, not listening in lecture). Fewer will have the self-discipline to bother with their studies in this season of quarantine. But remember that consequences await for whatever choices you make. I know quite a lot of people from different JCs who didn't do well (some are retaking right now). I also have friends who U-turned (drop to J1 during A levels) because they felt they weren't prepared enough. Not doing well for A levels is a very real reality for everyone. The reason will differ for everyone but do you really want your reason to be because you didn't study hard enough?

Eventually, many people do come around to trying hard when the A levels near. Sometimes, it's when they see their mid years. Other times, it's when they see their prelims. In this context, there may not even be a mid year exam and to wait for prelims would already be too late. My friend U-turned 30 days before A levels. He gave up before he even took the exam. A levels is a mental war and you don't want to have a self defeatist attitude and worse, it's justified because you KNO you didn't study hard enough. My point is, there comes a time when there's a point of no return. Now is probably not that time yet. But that time always comes without us knowing.

By all means, take your breaks. Enjoy your hobbies. Spend time with your family. But don't use this quarantine season to run away from what you fear because problems aren't solved that way.

Support is also pretty important! You should probably continue to keep in touch with your classmates and friends because even if you aren't close to them/don't like them, you guys are still going through the same thing and it helps to not feel alone.

PS: I probably sound pretty harsh because I'm the idiot who slacked and I know more people who are disappointed with their grades than people who are happy with them. And I know many people who are lazing around despite saying "oh, I want to be doctor" and it just doesn't sit well with me.

/r/SGExams Thread