Life on Mars (2016) HD Documentary A fully terraformed Mars may never be as warm and wet as Earth because it’s too small and too far from the sun - It could take 100,000 years for trees to transform an icy blue Mars with a co2 atmosphere into a warm, green planet with enough oxygen for humans

My worry is that, although you are very correct in honestly all of your assumptions, we are about to enter a period of uncertainty.

I believe we are entering a period where technology is going to be repressed, and held back, so that the companies and corporations that currently profit heavily off of resources such as oil can continue to profit as long as desired.

Electric Cars being the norm in a few years, or even a decade? Think again. Solar/wind power advancements in the near future? Look at the US, you already have a prime example of public lack of caring to advance those technologies. And don't get me started on Nuclear fear, Chernobyl, Fukushima, and a handful of other accidents caused by neglect, and cutting corners will make sure it's a few more decades before people will come out and openly support it again.

Self Driving Cars? I bet in 10 years we'll see state bills getting passed to get them off the streets.

Better batteries? (Especially for phones) Well that would mean the battery companies would need to develop actual better batteries. That'd bite into their profits, because when people have longer lasting batteries, they won't need to buy as many, and they sure as shit won't buy them if they just make-do by overpricing them.

Hell just a few years ago stem cell research was criticized by the US Government.

Boeing is still using many plane models it's been using since the 70's. Know why? Because they work. They have no incentive to innovate anymore. Their engineers do! But... Think the execs are gonna sign off to whatever they're designing right now? Hey maybe we'll finally get that high speed railway across the US!... But what Politician is going to sign off on that. There won't be any return on that investment for years. And yet look at the Space race. That fueled almost every piece of technology we have to use today, and yet it costed so much money. But they did it. They innovated. Granted it was due to a competition, but they did it and it literally changed everything.

We'll get new cool looking I-phones, Belgium might make a town that has Solar powered streetlights, and your F150 might be made of Aluminum now, and hey, I can talk to all of you on the internet right now in real time basically! But... It's very, very optimistic to believe we're gonna see any real change in the near, or moderately far future.

You gotta realize the 20th century was so innovative because the entire century was powered by the two greatest wars of all time. It makes me really worried we won't see advancement like we saw in the last 100 years... Ever. Or at least not for many, many, many decades.

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