Why do they like slamming stuff, making lots of noise and disturbance?

My narc sister — even after being the center of family conversation for literally HOURS — loves to walk around common areas of the home on the phone, either work or social call, to get more attention and show her value.

She literally will leave her phone on speaker while on hold; of course I’m not allowed to politely ask her to do that in a private place. I mean I can if I want to deal with the exhale, eyeroll and muttering, and then the retaliation later.

Anyway, I saw her doing this in her own living situation — a super nice apartment owned by a guy who was rarely home.

She walked back and forth in front of him, blabbing on the phone, while he just tried to read. I saw the look of hatred on his face, and I knew it.

He asked her to leave a week or so later.

My sister is a middle aged woman by the way. Incapable of growth or being better.

/r/narcissisticparents Thread