List of Politicians and Unions who support "Venezuela Solidarity Campaign", a Pro-Chavez organization

I'll add Corbyn's article on Chavez that's since disappeared from his website:

In a sense history is being played out to its fullest extent in Venezuela, where the Bolivarian revolution is in full swing and is providing inspiration across a whole continent....

Venezuela, like others, has massive injustices of wealth and power, but unlike many others it has huge resources of oil.

The Bolivarian revolution led by Chavez is rapidly changing things. The poorest do get food, can see a doctor thanks to Cuban help, and are able to get good education. Chavez was elected, faced down a coup attempt, won a recall referendum, and then won Parliamentary elections. His electoral democratic credentials are beyond reproach.

In power, and faced with enormous opposition from a very hostile media, he has allowed them to continue, preferring instead to develop an alternative from of communication and thus inspire support....

The success in Venezuela has inspired others so that there is a tangible shift across the whole continent, with the election of Left Governments in Uruguay, Bolivia and now Peru looking likely to follow. The isolation of the USA with only the lame duck President Fox of Mexico, and President Uribe of Colombia supporting it at the 2005 trade conference in Buenos Aires shows just how far the politics of the region have moved.

In Parliament, Tony Blair seemed not to understand that the survival of Cuba since 1979 is an inspiration to the poorest in the region, and that Venezuela is seriously conquering poverty by emphatically rejecting the Neo Liberal policies of the world’s financial institutions.

Success for radical policies in Venezuela is being achieved by providing for the poorest, liberating resources, but above all by popular education and involvement.

As with Cuba the threat to the USA by Venezuela is not military or economic. It is far more insidious, a threat by example of what social justice can achieve.

Do you Corbynites now get it when people say they're worried about Corbyn? Do you understand why Blair labels a Corbyn government as a "dangerous experiment" when McDonnell speaks of being in the "fundamental business of reforming capitalism"?

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