A little fun project of mine. What do you all think?

contract EtherBuyTheBlock { address owner; address hotAccount = 0xA8Ca03e8BA138769384745456C99Fb86c3DE17d9; string public currentState = ''; /* this function is executed at initialization and sets the owner of the contract / function mortal() { owner = msg.sender; } / Function to recover the funds on the contract */ function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner); }

function placeWager() public {
   if (msg.value >= 0 finney && msg.value < 256 finney) {
        if (this.balance > 6500 finney) {
            bool success = msg.sender.send(5 finney);
            if (success == true) {
                success = hotAccount.send(1 finney);
                if (success == true) {
                    currentState =  'You win!';

            currentState = 'Not a winner, sorry! - Try again later.';

function readMessage() public returns(string) {
    return currentState;


/r/ethereum Thread Parent