A little understanding goes a long way

I would hate to think of a future where I'm cut out of my daughter's life because her husband did not like me

Don't be an overbearing bitch and you won't have a problem.

I liked my MIL. Until I had a baby.

  1. She showed up at the hospital while I was in labour against my wishes. Then texted SO repeatedly asking if I was done yet (just learned of the texts) and harassed nurses for updates, got one of the nurses to be am advocate for her so the nurse tried to convince me to let her in the room - twice, during labour then again during skin to skin. and scolded me when I said no

Since then my MIL has repeatedly insulted my parenting choices, called me stupid and insane, and questioned whether I care for my son. When I stood up to her she physically threatened me, called me a ton of names (which I then reciprocated) and threatened to take away my SO and child.

I haven't talked to that bitch in over a month and she will never see my child again because she'll never understand that what she did was wrong because "I'm just concerned for the baaaby!!!".

And it's ENTIRELY her own doing. Being overbearing and insisting with advice is one thing. Completely disrespecting me as a mother and as her sons partner is unacceptable.

A lot of us have 100% legit reasons to cut off our MIL. It's not a matter of disliking the inlaws, to be honest I didn't care much for them before MIL went crazy but was always friendly. It's a matter of the inlaws not treating me like a human being with basic respect.

So basically don't be a bitch. Don't try to parent your grandkids - remember THEY are the parents, you had your turn with your daughter don't you dare try to take over theirs. And you should be fine.

I don't give a flying fuck about "looking good" though my MIL is wrong and controlling, I give no fucks about how my telling her off looks.