Want to live longer? You may want to ditch these drinks | Soda


But, just to let people know - sugar alcohols are one of those pesky foods that can be difficult to digest, which is especially problematic for those with IBS or those with sensitivities for FODMAPS.

I follow a really good diet most of the time, but I would often drink those diet sodas with meals and use splenda in my coffee. I began having digestive issues, so I cut out all of the problematic foods which helped a little - but I was still experiencing painful bloating and discomfort regularly. It was only when I stopped consuming anything with sugar alcohols that I started to get better. Now I just drink water, and if I do have tea or coffee I just take it black.

So, I think it's important to keep in mind that even harmless or healthy foods can be bad for you in excess.

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