Long Standing Issues for Science and some probably poorly thought out suggestions

The thing with disabling affects is that they walk a very fine line between overpowered and utterly useless, and even the slightest nudge can convert one into the other. What's worse, what could be utterly useless in PvE becomes blatantly overpowered in PvP.

In the present state of the game, Subspace Decompiler tends to fall on the useless side, especially in PvE. Between the sore lack of consoles that boost it, the heavy resistances of NPCs to it, and the fact that NPCs don't take directed, purposeful action in the first place, it accomplishes relatively little to disable an NPC. Disables are used in PvP to prevent your opponent from employing a reactive counter to your following move. NPCs do not employ reactive counters. Therefore, disabling NPCs is useless unless the duration for which they can be disabled is ludicrously long, which means it's ridiculously overpowered in PvP.

Power Insulators: Used to do its job, probably still does to some extent in PvP...largely ineffective in PvE as NPC drain powers have been boosted to such ludicrous levels that it simply doesn't help. 9 points and 5 PI consoles had zero impact vs. NPC shield drain, unlike the old days where a 6-point investment in PI reduced Borg drains from levels comparable to the deadly levels we see today down to a nuisance. Now, nothing helps.

Sensors: It does exactly what it says on the label, and it works well at this. Utterly, utterly useless in PvE. NPCs never hide, they never ambush, and they never stalk. The one "cloaking" enemy in the game doesn't so much cloak as it simply phases out of existence to annoy players, as none of the anti-cloaking countermoves actually work. I simply cannot conceive of any structural means by which this can be easily brought into being useful at all, PvEwise. It will forever and always remain a PvP-exclusive skill.

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