looking for help with control warrior mulligans

Who do you keep Cruel Taskmaster against, if you don't have any clear combo with it in your initial hand?

Aggro decks where I can usually use the battlecray to kill something and then trade next turn. Two for one.

Who do you not keep Armorsmith against? When is it a keep only with Cruel?

I tend not to keep it in slower matches. I'll most likely be able to hero power, so the Armorsmith isn't crucial to start with. I'll play it later when I can drop it behind a taunt, or on turns I can value out of it immediately. I'd keep Armorstmith and Cruel Taskmaster for aggro decks, though. They contest the early board and sometimes I'll ping my Armorsmith to give it 3 attack so it can trade into something like Voidwalker.

Who do you not keep Acolyte against?

I don't keep it because I only want to play it later on when I'm confident I can get at least two card draws off of it. That means I'll need to combo it with something. Playing Acolyte without immediate value usually means your opponent is going to have an opportunity to deny you card draw, which is no bueno. People love denying the card draw for Warrior, so they're going to do it.

Who do you keep Shield Block/Shield Slam against - and do you ever keep Shield Block without Shield Slam?

I don't want to keep either. I'd much rather try to mulligan for weapons. I want to combo Shield Block (or Shield Maiden) and Shield Slam later on for bigger removal. Starting out with both would be way too slow. Why wait to Shield Block to draw a card on turn 3 when you just use your mulligan to draw something else from the start?

Do you ever keep Brawl in your opening hand? Under what conditions?

Never. That would also be way too slow and it's not even guaranteed to be something you'll want to play. Brawl is something I want to use when all else fails. Keeping it is like setting up for things to fail, if that makes sense. Mulligan for more proactive cards.

Do you usually throw back Death's Bite if you're not on coin? And if you keep it off coin, who would you keep it against? Do you usually keep it on coin?

That's tricky. It depends on the match up. Most of the time I'd probably try to mulligan for War Axe, but I'd keep Death's Bite for something where my weapons are going to be crucial. In that circumstance I'd rather be safe with one slower weapon instead of possibly none.

Do you ever throw back Fiery War Axe? Against who?

Never. Fiery War Axe is just too good and always nice to start with.

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