Looking for investors for cannabis related startups

Calm down dude.

I'm not going to do or say anything more. I'm not that kind of person. I've run a startup with millions of users, and tens of thousands of paying customers that I created without investors and never once did or said anything to jeopardize my companies position. Trust me, there were times I wanted to, but as a former tech blogger who's had stories I've written picked up by the New York Times I know which battles to fight.

This is a waste of both our time, and was totally unnecessary. I just can't stand when people try to use their position in life to bully others which is why I stood up to you. Please consider there's another person, someone you may even indirectly know on the other side of the computer. Especially on this sub, it's a small community.

Anyhow I have a little advice for you: keep a lower profile, and possibly remove the sidebar links to your investments. You also might want to invite others from the community to help you moderate so it doesn't look as bad. Also remove all the African American related comments, I know you were just joking around but someone could easily misread you and you seriously don't want to be pegged as a racist on Reddit. Not good for PR.

You tried to criticize me for using Reddit wrong when you are posting stupid insensitive jokes and doing something far worse with the way you're using this sub. It could upset a lot of people, especially if anyone at r/trees found out what your intentions for this sub are. You do not want a stoner social justice brigade coming after you. I've seen Reddit turn on people before for far less. You need to democratize your subreddit before it gets bigger, and mitigate the risk of being exposed. If I can figure out who you are someone else can, and they might not be as nice about it.

Again, I'm not going to spoil your fun, not going to message you ever again, and let this go. It isn't worth my time and I have no intention of harassing you. Just offering you some friendly advice you're probably going to ignore, but seriously shouldn't.

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