Looking for resources like anki and a short rant about anki.

Either you get it right, or you don't.

(aside from the fact that there's even addons that disable the easy buttons, etc. entirely) actually, Anki is exactly like that... you don't get everything right, included the stroke order if you care about that? You fail, and hit again.

You get everything (you care about) right, but it took you a lot of effort to remember? hard Got it right, and also you thought it was freaking obvious, like 'don't bother me anymore with basic things like 私?' you pick 'easy' (actually I never use that button).

Otherwise you pick Good. (Lke,almost 100% of the times you didn't fail)

I hava also an addon that lets me reschedule cards manually with a key, so when I fail but I think I actually knew the answer after all, and I want to give myself a second chance I reschedule it manually for 3-5 days later.

But if I fail a card and I hit good, and the interval is like 1 month, then I would be just dumb and going against my own interest be ause there's no way I will remember a failed card after such a long time.

So actually for me it's the opposite, the more control I have the better.

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