Looks like someone has been betrayed

Long story short: many animal owners are pathetic and crave attention via their pets.

Of course these things are trained. Dogs don't naturally line up and put their paws on each other like that. You can train them too though. Dogs dont signal another dog did something with their legs like we do with our arms. They point with their nose. This is trained.

These pathetic owners spend ages training dogs to do some of these things and create fake environment for internet points or Instagram posts. Like for instance, I guarantee this is what happened. The owner put the food on the ground open so a dog could get it. They the owner made it clear the dog shouldn't have ate it and made them feel bad (even though they literally did it for a video). And then they get them on camera which they conveniently thought to pull out after catching them in the act.

So the dogs really think they did something wrong. But the owners out them in a situation where they were going to fuck up. Think of it as doggy entrapment. They falsified an environment to make a video. They then over time, taught the dogs to put their paws in each other in those situations and rewarded them for it. Dogs do not do that. Period.

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